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Catappa Leaves

Catappa Leaves

Regular price $9.99
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Catappa Leaves and Catappa Tea Bags coming from Indian Almond Trees(Terminalia catappa) help to replicate natural environments for Bettas, shrimp and other aquarium inhabitants. When added to an aquarium, they release tannins and other organic compounds which aid in maintaining lower pH and gently tinting water. These conditions mimic habitats with acidic water and abundant leaf litter. As catappa leaves decay, beneficial micro-organisms grow on the leaf surface, creating a natural source of food for shrimp, snails, and newly-hatched fish.

  • Catappa Leaves and Catappa Tea Bags from Indian Almond Trees(Terminalia catappa)
  • Help to replicate natural environments for Bettas, shrimp and other aquarium inhabitants
  • Releases tannins and other organic compounds which aid in maintaining lower pH and gently tinting water
  • These conditions mimic habitats with acidic water and abundant leaf litter
  • As catappa leaves decay, beneficial micro-organisms grow on the leaf surface, creating a natural source of food for shrimp, snails, and newly-hatched fish
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