Top 5 Easy Fish To Breed
Owning fish habitats is a rewarding experience. It's a lot of joy to experience your tiny aquatic ecosystem grow. In addition, breeding the fish all by yourself can become a fantastic way to get more engaged in the hobby.
At home, you can effectively mate and produce a variety of live-bearing and egg-laying fish. Breeding freshwater fish is not that tough if you commit to providing a suitable home and sufficient care for your fish.
So, if you're curious to know about breeding your fish, you don't need to look further. We have you covered. In this guide, we go through the top 5 easy fish to breed.
1. Convict Cichlid
Convict Cichlids are among the most frequent fish found in today's aquariums. And, given how simple it is for them to reproduce, they are pretty advantageous to keep. Convict Cichlids are beautiful, hardy, and provide a fantastic learning opportunity for any new aquarist.
Setting up a tank and adding your convicts is almost all it takes to breed convict cichlids. Convicts can breed in almost any condition. Things like the temperature of the water, tank size, and water quality aren't as critical to this species of fish as they are to many other aquarium fish. Add a group of 5 or more convicts, and you'll more than likely successfully obtain a breeding pair. Females will get a pink coloration to their belly when they are ready to breed, and males tend to be larger than females. We recommend adding caves or flower pots in your aquarium so that your fish feel comfortable and they have a safe place to hide their eggs. Once your convicts spawn and the eggs are placed inside the cave, it typically takes four days for the eggs to hatch. During this time, the convicts will guard the eggs. Once they hatch they will stay at the bottom of the cave and absorb their egg sac. It is normal for your pair to pick up the babies and move them around the tank. After about a week, they will be strong enough to swim. At this point, we recommend keeping them in their own aquarium or a nursery box to avoid your larger fish eating them. It is important to feed your fry foods like live brine shrimp or fry food like Repashy Spawn and Grow.
2. Mbuna
Mbuna cichlids are freshwater fish found in Africa's Lake Malawi. Mbunas are a renowned name in aquariums because of their stunning appearance and fascinating behavior. Like most cichlids Mbunas are known to aggressively claim and defend territories, so choose tankmates carefully.
To start breeding, it is recommended to have a ratio of one male to at least 3-4 females in the aquarium. It is important to have the right amount of filtration and keep up with your water changes. If you let the water quality deteriorate, your Mbunas will not breed. In Lake Malawi, Mbunas are known to be rock dwellers. Because of this, the male is more likely to want to spawn if rocks are present. When he finds the perfect spot, the male will begin to get brighter in color and flair his fins to show off. If the female is ready to spawn, she will join the male, and they will swim together in a circular motion, almost like they are dancing. Eventually, the female will spit out eggs and then quickly pick them back up in her mouth the male will then fertilize the eggs. The female will keep the eggs in her mouth and take care of them until they are ready to hatch. You will be able to tell that your cichlid is holding because her mouth will be extended out. Leave the female in your aquarium for at least a week before you move her to her own aquarium or breeding net. You want to wait so that she is less likely to spit out her babies when you move her. Approximately four weeks after spawning, she will spit out the babies. leave her with them so that she can regain her strength before being added back with the rest of your cichlids. It is essential to feed her and your fry nutritious food while they are so small. They can easily be fed brine shrimp, bloodworms, and fry foods such as Northfin fry starter. Eventually, you can add your female mbuna back to your aquarium, and once your fry look to be large enough to join your mbunas, they can be added as well.
3. Bushynose
Bushynose plecos are excellent algae eaters and easy to breed, making them wildly popular in the fish keeping hobby. Luckily they do not get a monster size like common plecos bushy nose plecos usually only reach 6". They make a great addition to almost any tank because of their small size they can also be added to small aquariums. We recommend having more females than males because the males can be territorial, especially when breeding.
If you plan to breed your plecos, you should put them in their own tank to avoid eggs and fry from being eaten by other fish. The first thing you need to do is make sure you have one male and at least one female bushy nose. This is not hard because the males will have longer bristles, while female bristles are very short and are only around their mouths. The most important thing you need to start breeding your bushy nose is a cave. When the male bushy nose is ready to mate, he will pick out a cave, clean it, and wait there for a female. The female will then enter the cave and lay her eggs. The male will then fertilize the eggs, run off the female, and begin to guard the eggs. After a week or so, the eggs will hatch and the fry will stay attached to the cave's walls until they are strong enough to swim. Once they can swim on their own, begin to feed them live brine shrimp or fry food.
4. Guppies
Guppies are known for how easy they are to breed. They are easy to care for fish that comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Guppies are also very peaceful and can be homed with almost any community fish, such as tetras and other livebearers.
To start breeding, you need to have more females than males. To sex them is straightforward. Males usually are smaller than females and have longer fins and brighter colors. Females are larger with short fins and dull color, sometimes a grey or brown color. Females will always have a more rounded anal fin while the males will be more jagged. When guppies mate, the male will transfer sperm to the female. This happens multiple times a day, and the process happens very quickly. Please note that females can store sperm, meaning they can actually have a few spawnings without being inseminated again. Because other fish will eat guppy fry, breeding should be done in a separate tank if possible or at least in a tank with many live plants for the fry to hide in until they are larger. Guppy fry will do well on live brine shrimp or other fry foods like Sera Micron Growth Food.
5. Angelfish
Angelfish are one of the most graceful freshwater fish out there. They come in a variety of colors, with some having veil like fins. Angels are pretty peaceful and can be kept in most community tanks. They can sometimes be nippy, so choose tankmates carefully. If you decide to add Angelfish to your aquarium, we always recommend adding live plants because they thrive when housed with plants.
Breeding them is really simple, but identifying genders in Angelfish can be a challenge. The best way to get started is by adding a group of 6 or more angels and waiting for them to pair off. Ensure your water quality is good and that your water temperature is between 80 and 85F. Then, you want to put a flat dark piece of slate in your aquarium for them to attach the eggs to. When your angelfish are ready to spawn, the female will deposit eggs in rows while the male follows behind, fertilizing the eggs. After the spawning is complete, Put the slate with the eggs in a nursery box because the angels and any other fish will likely eat the eggs and newly hatched fry. It's also crucial to regularly nourish the angelfish babies to grow; baby brine shrimp or fry food will work perfectly.
After reading the top 5 easy fish to breed, you can now grab an aquarium and start breeding your own fish. If you begin to have success breeding your fish Natural Environment Aquatix has all of the supplies you need, and we are here to answer any questions you may have.